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Resilient Engineering Frequent Questions
Does Resilient Engineering only apply to new product designs?
No, the RE process can also be applied to new manufacturing processes. By identifying the lower-level functions that must go right, the RE process can find critical equipment parameters and aid with establishing machine specifications and correct maintenance intervals. The RE process can also be applied to existing products that are undergoing moderate design changes. Often, design changes to correct an existing product problem introduce a risk of creating a new failure mode.
Does the Resilient Engineering process start with a class like Red X problem solving?
The Resilient Engineering process is conducted more like a workshop. For each phase of the RE process, students receive a small amount of training but then immediately apply what they have just learned to their exact situation, being led by a Shainin facilitator.
How long does it take?
The workshop typically takes about 3 days, depending on the scope of the project. The actual test time is dependent on how quickly test samples can be created and test run times.
Can suppliers be involved?
Yes, suppliers could and should be involved to make the project more collaborative.
What tools are used in the process?
A Risk Priority Analysis, Function Models, Linkage Matrix and Conceptualized Test Plan. As failures are discovered and the cause is not obvious, Red X problem-solving strategies can be applied within the RE project.
Do you need product and/or process experts involved in the process?
Yes, it is important to understand what must go right for the product and process.
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